Industrial Calcium Carbonate Manufacturer
ICCM was established in 1425 with a license from the Ministry of Trade and Industry to produce high purity of calcium carbonate, in 1436 In 1436, some updates were made to develop the factory by adding a modern crushing equipment and modern mining techniques, and it was able to produce the pure Limestone in various sizes. later on a line has been installed to produce ultra-fine calcium carbonate with very high purity that is difficult to find anywhere.
ICCM is distinguished by the fact that it has the best production line of calcium carbonate with high purity from the marble rock origin.
Hence, the Industrial Calcium Carbonate Manufacturer has the high capacity to meet and deliver its products to all regions of the Kingdom and the ability to export around the world.
Excellence in supplying the industrial sectors in the Kingdom and Gulf countries with the best and purestminerals extracted from rocks, especially calcium carbonate.
Raising the efficiency of the mining sector in a way that achieves a high economic added value that serves the Kingdom’s economy and meets the requirements of our customers by providing the best quality of minerals extracted from rocks in the short and long term and meanwhile providing the best types of communication and continuous support to customers by harnessing the latest equipment and human cadres..
Our History
1425 هـ
الحصول على الترخيص بمزاولة النشاط وتاسيس مصنع الكربونات الصناعية لانتاج كسر الرخام.
1436 هـ
تم تزويد المصنع بأحدث تقنيات التكسير وبانواع حديثة من معدات التعدين والمعالجة
لانتاج مسحوق كربونات الكالسيوم بالاضافة الى كسر الرخام.
وفي الاعوام الاخيرة
تم زيادة القدرة الإنتاجية لتغطية كافة أنحاء المملكة والتصدير للخارج